Hello, friends welcome to my blog. In this blog, we learn about how to make pixel led cracker tree.
Parts required:
- Pixel strip (2812) – https://koshielectronics.com/product/ws2812-led-strip/
- Cracker controller – https://koshielectronics.com/product/cracker-tree-controller/
- Power supply- https://koshielectronics.com/product/5-volt-20-amp-smps/
Overview: In a pixel-led cracker tree there is a parallel connection. From the bottom where the controller install, put the controller data there. Then connected 50 led from bottom to top and provide the data to all branches led from this led.
Installation process: 1. In the pixel-led cracker tree, I connect a controller below. What have I done here I used strip here because I make it at home and its height so I used to strip and I connect the data of both strips with the controller data.

2. Here data is input from this strip and I connect both the green wire of the strips to the green wire of the controller. There are 3 colour of wire in the controller red, black and green. Red and black wire is for the power supply and green wire for data.

3. I supply the power to an adaptor and according to the load 5 amp power supply is enough for this. I also use this 5 amp power supply wire for the upper area. You have to use a thick wire from the bottom because the supply of power is given from the center to the upper section.

4. I’m using a hard cardboard sheet for the center wire connection. You have to use an iron frame for this. In this, you have to keep in mind the direction of the data. If you are using these led strips then you must keep in mind that the arrow should be in an upward direction. Data will be input from the below according to the arrow direction downward to upward direction.

5. If you make it from the wire led then you can also make this type of tree from the wire led. For this, you need an iron wire and fix this pixel led from the iron wire with the help of a cable. The bigger tree, you made you need the thicker iron wire. If you make it for decoration purposes then you have to make it easy for closing and opening.

6. You have to use this connector so that you can easily remove them individually. If I want to open it I make a connector for this so that I can easily remove it. I make it with the function of opening the system and fix here a connector. In this way no matter how big is your tree, you can make this iron rod with the function of easily assembling a system.

Wiring: As I told you that from the below after 50 LEDs. We see there are 2 led strips that come from the below. Here I picked the data and provide it to all branches of the tree collectively.
Below from the here, there are 50 led then data of this led reached all of them. If your single-pixel data is not able to handle the load of all the branches led strip then you choose the 4-5 led strip and connect them with another strip from the below.
How I make this, I make a wire, I choose a connector wire and join all the red wire together. All white wire together and join all the red wire together and provide the power supply.
Join all green wire together then connect it with the 50 led pixel data which comes from the below. So that the 50 led pixel data transfer easily to the connector. I connected it with all branches and distribute the data to them.
In this way, you make a connection and you can make this tree.