Now days Pixel led parallel Wi-fi controller is very popular in market. Due to its easy to use features.
Parallel connection. (each led string connected separately through controller )
Inbuilt HD design.
Upload text ( any language).
No S,Z connection required.
A jumper is given for 50×20 -100x 20.
Polarity production.
How to upload text inPixel led parallel Wi-fi controller :-
1st step – Turn off the mobile data and turn on the wi-fi.
2nd step – Connected to the wi-fi ( pixel wi-fi ).
3rd step – Open the app Pixel ML text and click to the connect icon.
4th step – Select the connection type ( for parallel connection select Z type ) . we selected Z Top right , because in our connection 1st no. started from the top right.
5th step – Select the font desired font size .( we selected 10 )
6th step – Select the text font language/design as per your choice, copy the text and sent it.
7th step – Text speed is not selectable it is default. you can also select the bold letter. once you set all the desired function on the app and sent it then text is shown on pixel led.
NOTE – Follow all the instructions and use this app easily.
How to change P10 WiFi display password | Huidu controller setting
Hello, friends welcome to my new vlog in this vlog we learn about how to change the P10 wifi display password
Problem :
When we buy the display from somewhere with a default password set in it. This password is either set by the company or set by where you buy this.
Before opening the Led Art app we can first open the wi-fi. After open the wi-fi we see an available wi-fi network.We select WF1_f55dbac331d5.
Follow these steps to change the password :
Firstly connect your wi-fi. The wi-fi name shown on the screen is WF1_f55dbac331d5. After that enter the default password ie..88888888.
We have to disconnect the mobile data.
Once the wifi is connected move to the next step.
4. Open the led Art app ,click the device icon which is given below.
5. click the wifi symbol .
6. When we click the wifi symbol it ask to enter the password & the default password is ..888.
7. Then their is wifi & password reset option is given ,you can easily change it.
8. Once we change the wifi name & password directly it create the error.
9.To avoid the error we should use WF1 before the wifi name & name and numbers are use together for password. i.e..
When all the process done and move forward we should keep in mimd that we must remove the username of wifi which is created by the company because it try to connect to the default username & we experience some defficulties.
How to change P10 WiFi display password/ Video Tutorial
first, we cut the strip according to our display and stick the backside corner of the display and remember the arrow direction on the strip shows in the same direction
Now connect all led strip with a small wire
I connect the female connector at the start of the led strip due to the connector I unplug Arduino any time when I need I plug again. the connector has 3 color wire (Red, Green, White )
Red and white is for power supply purpose and Green is for Data
Arduino code for DIY Ambilight for Desktop
I use Arduino nano if you want to use Arduino Uno code also works I use nano because its size is small.
upload code in Arduino, if you have in ensuring that install, fasted library if all ok your code upload in Arduino in show message of done upload
Software settings
first, install prismatik software and follow these steps as steps given in the video Tutorialls
Hello friends welcome to our blog in this blog we learn about how we make Pixel led data amplifiers and also this circuit used as a pixel led data splitter
Pixel led data amplifier is used for long-distance data transfer we use different types of pixel controller they transfer data maximum 10 to 20 foot.
if we use long wire our pixel flicker and so we have not good results so we use data amplifier to solve this problem
for Pixel led data amplifier we need a max 485 module
you also make your own module with the help of max 485 ic it’s too cheap and simple to make this type of projects
Pixel led Data Splitter
pixel-led data splitter circuit is used for split data. if you have one controller you want to use 1 controller data in different locations example if I decorate 1 building and we want the same programme to run on another building simultaneously then we use splitter circuit where we connect the transmitter to the main data controller and connect so many receiver depends own our needs due to this type of connection we save lots of money and all building program look awsome
Step 1 If you Already install the software on your computer then right-click on Led Edit 2014 software the click on extract here.
Step 2 After that folder is open. In this folder, we have set up a file option click on that and install it. After that open the software.
Step 3 Create the new project. Then fix the location of the file where you want to fix it. After that select the controller. If you don’t find the name of the controller then go to select the controller option. Here you can select your controller and after that double click on that, we see that controller is added to the list.
Step 4 After that we go to the light layout Next screen is open, here we enter the details as shown below. Then press ok.
Step 5 If you forget where you start wiring then go to layout click on that there is a led list, where you click color changes.
Step 6 After that we open the video. Go to video effect click on the open video then the folder is open. Click on AVR. If you want to save your time click on the fast recording.
Step 7 If you want to record then press on the record button. We see that the recording is on.
Step 8 Now we also check SWF file, we select the effect. Go to the record option click on the fast recording. We see that fast recording is going on. If you want to record faster then click on F6 and for slow click on F7.
Step 9 For tool file select tool. Go to record click on the fast recording. We see that the recording is done fastly.
Step 10 After that you have to take output. For this click on export. Sometimes the export option is not shown so what you have to do is take some effect record them then export. Suppose we select the AVI effect, we see that some effect is missing so what we have to do is make that effect small. After that, we see no line is missing. After recording the AVI effect then click on stop recording and also press on close video effect. It is very important to do this otherwise the export option is not shown.
Step 11 If you want to remove some files then click double click on the program we see that effect is running. If you want to remove any effect from that you find out the number where that effect is started and ended. After that go to edit then click on delete upper frame number and lower frame number then press on ok. After this, you see that effect is deleted.
Step 12 After that when you press the stop button, there is a message shown on the screen whether you save changes or not click on yes. If you press on yes the program will change otherwise it will run as it is.
Step 13 Go to the export option click on export open. The next display is shown on the screen here nothing can be changed only we can change the program code. You can enter the program code which program you want to run that code is entered there.
Step 12 After that they will ask that where you want to save the file. According to you, you can choose your file location. Then press on ok. Here program is generated.
Step 13 Open led edit 2014 click on 50*40 folders, open it here we see the program file.
Step 14 After that right-click on program send this program to the memory card which you attached to the system. Before sending the program to a memory card firstly format the card after that send it. When you insert that card on t-1000 the program will run.
Step 1 Open the Led Edit 2014 software the go to file click on new program.
Step 2 After that select the controller name T-8000. If you did not found the controller name then click on the select controller and select the controller name T-8000-WS2811. Then click on add to. We see that the T-8000-WS2811controller name is added to the list. Then click on OK.
Step 3 After that we go to the light layout Next screen is open, here we enter the details as shown below. One thing which we keep on mind that the number of LED’s you have on one port, the same led we will mention there. If we select more number of led’s then design will not run properly. Then click on OK
Step 4 On the next screen we see the four different types of color. You can select your own color for each port by clicking on the layout option. After that select accordingly.
Step 5 Then go to video effect and click on open video. After that select the file of according to you. We see that effect is running half. For this what we have to do is double click on this then move upward and slide it. Then we record it by click on record option.
Step 6 If you want to record another effect then first of all you stop the previous recording then go to video effect and click on open video then select the program according to you. Then click on record and record it. After that click on blue button ie.. close video effect button.
Step 7 Then go to export click on open effect(led). then press ok. After that save the file where you want to save it.We see that the program folder is created where you save the file. Open that folder.
Step 8 Now we insert the SD card and copy that file on it. Before copying the file on SD card firstly delete the program which is already uploaded on it. After that send file to the SD card which we inserted on.After that we run this on the board.
Step 1 Go to the wi-fi and connect the wi-fi. Name of wi-fi is WF1_1c8fa9e5ca94.We see that wi-fi is connected.
Step 2 Open the Led Art app .After that create a display. On the screen we see the card name WF1_1c8fa9e5ca94.,then press add button.
Step 3 After that make the settings, we have 4 tiles .Select width 128 ,height 32 ,device name W series etc. you can select accordingly then press OK.
Step 4 Next display is open. Here we enter the text whatever you want to display on the board. We click on display statics then click on continuous move left then click on send button. We see that next is moving upside down. This is because the proper IC number is not selected.
Step 5To solve this problem you can go first device then click on hardware. After that enter password ie..888.The next screen is open. Here you can select C62 which is P6 number. After select this press on manual configuration. We see that text is moving correctly.
Step 6 If you want to run the text in multi-colour you can set the colour according and also you can set the border of the text of your choice by clicking on border open and select border you your choice. After that text is moving like this.
Step 1 Go to the wi-fi and connect the wi-fi. Name of wi-fi is W00_130937816.After that enter the password ie..88888888 then, click on connect. We see that wi-fi is connected.
Step 2 Open the Led Art app .After that create a display. On the screen we see the card name W00_130937816,then press add button.
Step 3 After that make the settings, we have 2 tiles .Select width 32 ,height 32 ,device name W series etc. you can select accordingly then press OK.
Step 4 Next display is open. Here we enter the text whatever you want to display on the board. We click on display statics then click on continuous move left then click on send button. We see that text is moving.
Step 5 You can also set the border, control the speed of text and so many things according to you for P10 display board.
Step1 Firstly open the Bluetooth and location of your mobile phone.
Step 2 Open the app refresh it by sliding down. After that, we see that name is shown on the screen press on that and connect it.
Step 3 After that we set the pixel type, led type, seg, etc. according to you as shown below. Then press on entering.
Step 4Here we set the different colors of the background.
Step 5Now we go to the music mode. Here we have two options ie.. strip and matrix. In matrix we have many options you can run any of them of your choice.
Step 6 To run this first of all you make the settings.What you have to do for this is go back to the first screen click on SEG and make changes as shown below. Then click on OK
Step 7After doing all settings then we connect our SP107E musiccontroller to the display.
Step 8 As we see that it is changing as we speak.
Step 9 Now we go to music mode and select any design which you want to display.
Step 10 Now we go to strip mode and select any design which you want to display. When you press on auto the automatically all design is running.
Overview: In a pixel-led cracker tree there is a parallel connection. From the bottom where the controller install, put the controller data there. Then connected 50 led from bottom to top and provide the data to all branches led from this led.
Installation process: 1. In the pixel-led cracker tree, I connect a controller below. What have I done here I used strip here because I make it at home and its height so I used to strip and I connect the data of both strips with the controller data.
2. Here data is input from this strip and I connect both the green wire of the strips to the green wire of the controller. There are 3 colour of wire in the controller red, black and green. Red and black wire is for the power supply and green wire for data.
3. I supply the power to an adaptor and according to the load 5 amp power supply is enough for this. I also use this 5 amp power supply wire for the upper area. You have to use a thick wire from the bottom because the supply of power is given from the center to the upper section.
4. I’m using a hard cardboard sheet for the center wire connection. You have to use an iron frame for this. In this, you have to keep in mind the direction of the data. If you are using these led strips then you must keep in mind that the arrow should be in an upward direction. Data will be input from the below according to the arrow direction downward to upward direction.
5. If you make it from the wire led then you can also make this type of tree from the wire led. For this, you need an iron wire and fix this pixel led from the iron wire with the help of a cable. The bigger tree, you made you need the thicker iron wire. If you make it for decoration purposes then you have to make it easy for closing and opening.
6. You have to use this connector so that you can easily remove them individually. If I want to open it I make a connector for this so that I can easily remove it. I make it with the function of opening the system and fix here a connector. In this way no matter how big is your tree, you can make this iron rod with the function of easily assembling a system.
Wiring: As I told you that from the below after 50 LEDs. We see there are 2 led strips that come from the below. Here I picked the data and provide it to all branches of the tree collectively.
Below from the here, there are 50 led then data of this led reached all of them. If your single-pixel data is not able to handle the load of all the branches led strip then you choose the 4-5 led strip and connect them with another strip from the below.
How I make this, I make a wire, I choose a connector wire and join all the red wire together. All white wire together and join all the red wire together and provide the power supply.
Join all green wire together then connect it with the 50 led pixel data which comes from the below. So that the 50 led pixel data transfer easily to the connector. I connected it with all branches and distribute the data to them.
In this way, you make a connection and you can make this tree.